*All screenings, talks and discussions take place on the ground floor. The Saloon on the first floor is available as an open space for exchanging thoughts and visions, planing actions, networking and relaxation during the whole festival.*
Wednesday June 5th – Opening
18:30 Opening film 1
Chasing Ice
2012, 74 min, English OV
20:30 Opening film 2 / Austrian premiere!
Occupy Love
2012, 95 min, English OV
Afterwards: Filmbeisl at the Saloon
Conversations about the films and events, getting to know each other and networking at the first floor
Thursday June 6th – Confronting the socio-ecological crisis
16:00 Film + Q&A / Austrian premiere!
2012, 72 min, English OV
+ Q&A with protagonist Paola Cassoni *live via Videostream*
18:00 Film + Q&A / Austrian premiere!
The Carbon Rush
2012, 85 min, OV with English subtitles
+ Q&A with filmmaker Amy Miller *live via Videostream*
20:30 Film / European premiere!
Bidder 70
2012, 73min, English OV
Afterwards and in between the screenings: Filmbeisl at the Saloon
Conversations about the films and events, getting to know each other and networking at the first floor
WEEKEND 1 – Food Sovereignty, Solidarity Agriculture & Urban Gardening
Friday June 7th
18:30 Film + Podiumsgespräch
Die Zukunft Pflanzen
2012, 90 min, OF mit deutschen Untertiteln
+ Gespräch über Ernährungssouveränität und Solidarische Landwirtschaft mit Julianna Fehlinger (AgrarAttac), Christina Ehgartner (Hofkollektiv Wieserhoisl) und Alois Kemmer (Gemeinnützige Nahversorgung)
21:00 Potluck Buffet
Bring some food and we’ll all enjoy it together. Vegan so that everybody can join in.
Saturday June 8th
10:00 Vernetzungstreffen / Initiativen Kennenlernen
Ernährungssouveränität und Solidarische Landwirtschaft in der Steiermark und darüber hinaus
Menschen und Initiativen, die sich für die demokratische Gestaltung unseres Ernährungssystems und eine solidarische Landwirtschaft und Lebensmittelversorgung (in Stadt und Land) einsetzen, stellen sich einander vor, um eine Grundlage für verstärkte Kooperation zu schaffen. Herzlich eingeladen sind auch alle Interessierten, die selbst noch nicht aktiv sind und die Initiativen kennenlernen möchten!
12:00 Potluck Lunch
Everybody brings a dish along and we all enjoy the good food together. Vegan so that everybody can join in.
13:00 Podiumsgespräch
Landgrabbing in Österreich!?
Aneignung durch Konzerne und Spekulation vs Zugang zu Land für Alle
Mit Franziskus Forster (AgrarAttac), Elke Müllegger & Mira Palmisano (Co.Sy – Collective Syndicate), N.N. (SoliLa! – Solidarisch landwirtschaften in Jedlersdorf) und Thomas Waitz (Biobauer und Grüner Landwirtschaftskammerrat)
14:30 Each one teach one!
Urban Gardening for everybody
Share your gardening skills and knowledge, swap some seeds and seedlings and have fun meeting nice people!
16:30 Film + Gespräch / European premiere!
2011, 60 min, English OV
+ Filmgespräch über die Gegenwart und Zukunft bäuerlicher Landwirtschaft in den USA und Österreich mit Ulli & Scott Klein (KLEINeFARM)
18:30 Film + Gespräch / Austrian premiere!
Edible City: Grow the Revolution
2012, 70 min, English OV with German subtitles
+ Filmgespräch über essbare Städte/Gemeinden und Gemeinschaftsgärten in Graz mit Sascha Vanicek (Niesenberger-Garten, GGG), Tamara Ussner & David Steinwender (Attemsgarten, GGG) und Sandra & Johnny Peham (PermaVitae / Übelbach, 1. Essbare Gemeinde Österreichs)
20:00 Community Dinner
21:00 Film / Austrian premiere!
Symphony of the Soil
2012, 104 min, OV with English subtitles
Afterwards and in between the screenings: Filmbeisl at the Saloon
Conversations about the films and events, getting to know each other and networking at the first floor
Sunday June 9th
11:00 Bike Tour
Community Gardens left of the river Mur
Visit some of the gardens with us! Everybody welcome! Meeting spot: Forum Stadtpark
Monday June 10th – Confronting the socio-ecological crisis
18:00 Film + Q&A / Austrian premiere!
A River Changes Course
2013, 83 min, OV with English subtitles
+ Q&A with filmmaker Kalyanee Mam *live via Videostream*
20:30 Film / Austrian premiere!
El impenetrable
2012, 95 min, OV with English subtitles
Afterwards and in between the screenings: Filmbeisl at the Saloon
Conversations about the films and events, getting to know each other and networking at the first floor
Tuesday June 11th – Confronting the socio-ecological crisis
15:30 Film + Q&A
2013, 84 min, OF mit deutschen Untertiteln und Voice-Over
+ Q&A with filmmaker Lech Kowalski *live via Videostream*
18:00 Film + Q&A / Austrian premiere!
The Last Ocean
2012, 85 min, English OV
+ Q&A with protagonist Cassandra Brooks *live via Videostream*
20:30 Film + Q&A / Österreichpremiere!
Canning Paradise
2012, 90 min, OF mit deutschen Untertiteln
+ Videostatement by filmmaker Olivier Pollet
Afterwards and in between the screenings: Filmbeisl at the Saloon
Conversations about the films and events, getting to know each other and networking at the first floor
Wednesday June 12th
15:30 Film / European premiere!
La Source
2012, 71 min, English OV and English subtitles
18:00 Film + Q&A / Austrian premiere!
Herman’s House
2012, 81 min, English OV
+ Q&A with protagonist Jackie Sumell *live via Videostream*
20:30 Film + Gespräch / Austrian premiere!
Unter Menschen – Redemption Impossible
2013, 94 min, OV with English subtitles
+ Filmgespräch mit den Filmemachern Claus Strigel und Christian Rost sowie dem Protagonisten Josef Schmuck
Afterwards and in between the screenings: Filmbeisl at the Saloon
Conversations about the films and events, getting to know each other and networking at the first floor
Thursday June 13th - Wimmin and the struggle for gender justice
18:00 Film + Q&A / European premiere!
We Women Warriors
US, 2012, 79 min, Spanish OV with English subtitles
+ Q&A with filmmaker Nicole Karsin *live via Videostream*
20:30 Film / Austrian premiere!
Guerrilla Grannies
2012, 80 min, OV with English subtitles
Afterwards and in between the screenings: Filmbeisl at the Saloon
Conversations about the films and events, getting to know each other and networking at the first floor
Friday June 14th
18:30 Film / Austrian premiere!
The Lottery of Birth
2012, 77 min, English OV
20:30 Film + Gespräch / Österreichpremiere!
Frohes Schaffen
2012, 98 min, Deutsch & Englisch mit deutschen Untertiteln
+ Gespräch mit Filmemacher Konstantin Faigle *live via Videostream*
Afterwards and in between the screenings: Filmbeisl at the Saloon
Conversations about the films and events, getting to know each other and networking at the first floor
WEEKEND 2 – Social Movements & Activism
Saturday June 15th
15:00 Vortrag & Gespräch
Soziale Bewegungen
Triebkräfte gesellschaftlicher Veränderung
Leo Kühberger (Historiker und Aktivist)
17:00 Film / Österreichpremiere!
Take The Square
AT, 2012, 89 min, OF mit deutschen Untertiteln
18:30 Film + conversation / Austrian premiere!
Utopia on the Horizon
GR, 2012, 28 min, Greek OV with English subtitles
+ Conversation with protagonist Niki Dimitriadi (Activist / Athens) and Leo Kühberger (Historian & activist / Graz) about the past, present and future of Social Justice Movements in Europe
20:00 Community Dinner
21:00 Film / Austrian premiere!
Let Fury Have The Hour
2012, 90 min, English OV
Afterwards and in between the screenings: Filmbeisl at the Saloon
Conversations about the films and events, getting to know each other and networking at the first floor
Sunday June 16th
10:00 Workshop
Let’s keep on moving!
Fighting austerity and building grassroots alternatives
12:00 Workshop
Crisis Lab Greece
Niki Dimitriadi (Activist)
13:30 Potluck Lunch
Everybody brings a dish along and we all enjoy the good food together. Vegan so that everybody can join in.
15:00 Film + Q&A / Austrian premiere!
Do not treat us like animals
2012, 60 min, Swedish with Englisch subtitles
+ Q&A with N.N. (protagonist) and filmmaker Anders Rundberg *live via Videostream*
17:00 Film / Österreichpremiere!
Die Protestmacher
2012, 80 min, DT OF
+ Filmgespräch mit den Aktivist_innen Yvonne Seidler (Plattform 25), Andrea Feierl (rettet die mur), Karin Schuster (Attac Graz) und David Richter (Verein gegen Tierfabriken)
19:30 Community Dinner
20:30 Abschlussfilm / Österreichpremiere!
Global Home
2012, 93 min, OF mit deutschen Untertiteln