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A River Changes Course

Kalyanee Mam, the cinematographer for the Academy Award-winning Inside Job, explores the damage rapid development has wrought in her native ... - [mehr]

Bidder 70

Bidder 70 tells the story of Utah economics student Tim DeChristopher and his stunning act of civil disobedience in a time of global climate chaos ... - [mehr]


Australia is the worlds largest exporter of coal, providing almost one third of the worlds supply. It is impossible to address climate change without ... - [mehr]

Canning Paradise

Canning Paradise porträtiert den Kampf der indigenen Stämme, die versuchen ihre traditionelle Lebensweise zu verteidigen. Ihr Land wird ... - [mehr]

Chasing Ice

Sundance Excellence in Cinematography Award winning Chasing Ice is one of the most visually stunning films made about global warming ... - [mehr]

Die Protestmacher

Sie sind Vollzeitaktivist_innen - gegen Atomkraft, für eine gentechnikfreie Land- und eine gerechte Finanzwirtschaft. Sie organisieren die ... - [mehr]
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